Webinar Descriptions
Coagulation & Flocculation
This course covers aluminum and iron based coagulants along with organic coagulants. We will explore the chemistry, applications, and advantages of each type. Course also covers flocculating polymers from activation through troubleshooting. Learn how to get the most of your coagulants and flocculants with proper jar testing, dosing, mixing, and online monitoring systems.
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of disinfectants including UV, ozone, chlorine gas, bleach, chloramination, and chlorine dioxide. We will explore the history of disinfection and the future of disinfection.
Dosing & Chemical Feed
Course covers chemical feed systems, including proper chemical storage and containment, pump troubleshooting, common feed chemical issues, jar testing, dosing calculations, on-line monitoring, and mixing. We will perform dosage calculations from the jar to the effluent, for various feed chemicals to ensure understanding of chemical feed dosing.
Fifty Rules of Treatment
Learn the universal rules that control treatment processes in this fast paced course. This course provides an overview of these rules and how they impact different types of treatment. We will not only show why we need to follow the rules, but also what happens if we don’t.
Lab Analysis
Testing is the key to compliance and good operations. Alkalinity, pH, BOD, COD, solids, ammonia, residual chlorine, phosphates, bacteria, metals, fluorides, and other tests will be covered.
Motor Troubleshooting
Course covers motor start & run problems, overheating, motor protection, bearing failure, shaft problems, overloading, shorting, arcing, motor starters, and variable frequency drives. We will look at common motor problems and how to correct & prevent them. Thermal imaging and vibration analysis data and images will show how these tools can be utilized to help the overall maintenance program.
Pump Troubleshooting
Course covers positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps. Learn how to troubleshoot seal & bearing failures, low flow delivery problems, and impeller issues. We will also explore alignment options, pump & system curves, cavitation, and variable frequency drives.
Quality Control
Learn how to do quality control testing and how to develop a quality assurance plan. We will work together to calculate a control chart and then show how to use a control chart to determine the presence of analytical problems.
R.O. & Ion Exchange
Course covers membranes (including reverse osmosis), ion exchange, and activated carbon. Membrane types covered are microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis. Ion exchange applications covered in detail are softening and heavy metals removal. Activated carbon will also be covered.
Treatment Chemistry
Treatment chemistry is all about trying to figure why the chemistry does not work in the plant the way experts say that it should work. Reactions in treatment systems are not simple as the what is in text books. Instead, treatment chemistry has to be discovered by us as we run the plants. Let us help reveal what to look for in trying to make your chemical treatment system work better. This course covers metals treatment, phosphorus removal, removal of toxic organic compounds, and more,
Treatment Problem Solving
Problems often occur when we have the least amount of time to solve them, so we go into crisis mode, and hope to just get through the event. The key to solving any problem is to get the right information by performing process control checks and to interpret that data to lead you to the correct solution. This course will empower operators to develop strategies to take control over not just current problems, but new and unknown problems that will develop in the future.
Water Chemistry
Topics include solubility, how to calculate chemical costs, water softening, coagulants, polymers, pH, acids & bases, alkalinity, chemical safety, chlorination, UV disinfection, chemistry of corrosion, corrosion inhibitors, and how to determine the corrosivity of water. Learn important chemical principles that can be applied in your plant to make better treatment decisions.
Activated Carbon
Operators will learn how to get the most out of carbon and how to troubleshoot removal problems. Course covers carbon types, removal mechanisms, backwashing, and troubleshooting.
Jar Testing
Learn the chemistry and math to go from the jar to the plant. We will do numerous dosage calculations, and explore chemistry tips to help make your plant effluent consistently clear.
Pathogens & Pathways
Learn what are the pathogens of most concern in treatment system, the risk of exposure for operators, water treatment effects, and case histories of treatment system outbreaks. Emerging pathogens will also be covered.
Pump & Motor Maintenance
Course covers the best maintenance practices for pump and motor systems, and the importance of good documentation and training. Learn maintenance techniques that will save you time and money.